Picrews I Like

I gave way too much information on this



Created by getwheatleycrabbed.
I have never played portal before because I have no money (rip).

This picrew has 11 options on what to customize and has a lot of colorful stuff inside. If you want to know, there are a lot of lgbtq+ pins to put on the core, a majority of which are well-known in the community.

Picrew Link: Link


Created by brightgoat.
I've watched this guy's animations and holy hell are they good.

This picrew has over 25 options on what to customize. There are two body types, that each have two versions, one with boobs and one without. It has 9 skin colours ranging from light to dark brown. There are also unrealistic skin colors if you want to make a character that isn't human. There are options for hijabs.

Picrew Link: Link


Created by chemicataclysm.
Art is pretty good and you can apparently commision the creator.

This picrew has 23 options on what to customize. There are 7 skin colours, with 2 of them being slightly diffent hues. There are pins that state if someone is wlw or mlm.

Picrew Link: Link


Created by makowka.
A very calm artstyle, good for a cozy vibe.

This picrew has over 25 options on what to customize. There are 15 skin colours, most of which are regular, with some being fantasy. There are 3 different color options for vitiligo.

Picrew Link: Link


Media I Like

Lots of youtube stuff in here



Satina details the life and (mis)adventures of the eponymous cambion and her parents. Satina is the daughter of the overworked Queen of North American Hell, Lucia and her father Dave, an ordinary man working as an IT consultant in the human world.

No Content Warnings

Playlist Link: Link

Smile Tapes

During the 90s, a new mysterious drug has entered circulation throughout the black market in the United States, making headlines. The drug, nicknamed SMILE, is made using the spores of an unidentified fungus. Its many effects include mania, uncontrollable laughter, violent tendencies, as well as smiles.

Content Warnings
Unreality, body horror, death, implied drug usage, and also the dog dies.

Full Series Link: Link

Vita Carnis

The series takes place in a timeline where a branching, fleshy organism known colloquially as the Crawl was discovered in 1931; in the following decades, the world at large seems to have adjusted to this new addition to the natural world, even incorporating much of it into their everyday lives.

Content Warnings
Unreality, body horror, and death.

Playlist Link: Link

Solar Balls

The Series follows Astrodude, an astronaut who goes out into space but little does he know that the planets, moons, ect can talk and think, just like us. This fact makes him wonder whether he’s going insane or not, as the planets also engage in their own drama.

Content Warnings
Attempted suicide (Earth Arc).

Playlist Link: Link

Bloody Bunny: The First Blood

The series takes Bloody Bunny back to it's darker roots of the original series, however this time around, the Bloody Bunny doll is controlled by the vengeful soul of a human girl.

Content Warnings
Child abuse, body horror, gore and death.

Playlist Link: Link

Internecion Cube

Internecion Cube is a cartoon animatic series by Liam Vickers, the maker of Cliffside, focusing on 15-year-old Max and spoopy A.I. murder-cube IC-0n as they attempt to evade the agents of a shadowy government agency.

Content Warnings
Body horror, gore and robot death.

Playlist Link: Link

The June Archive And Restoration Project

The June Archive and Restoration Project is a dedicated archive hosted on Twitter, YouTube, and Sudomemo that is dedicated to archiving animations used in the now-defunct Flipnote Hatena software for Nintendo DSi.
However, looking deeper into the project, it's revealed this supposed archive isn't all it seems...

Content Warnings
unreality, and child death.

Channel Link: Link

South Scrimshaw

Told through the lens of a nature documentary on a colonized planet, we follow the Brillo Whales, a Whale-like species with the unique ability to modify their bodies, implanting various organisms and materials into and onto themselves, and each other, being able to gain different abilities, capabilities, and fill different niches in their ecosystems.

Content Warnings
Body horror, gore and animal death.

Steam Link: Link | Link: Link



Click on the image to go to the source, warning for flashing lights
